In spite of being the most sought after commercial star, Chiranjeevi, being a Film Institute product, had the urge to do off-beat roles. Time and again he has tried his hand at such roles in films such as Bharathi Raja's Aradhana, K Balachander's Rudraveena and K Viswanath's Swayamkrushi and Aapadbandhavudu. The last two films won him the best actor award from the Andhra Pradesh Government. Rudraveena got him the coveted Nargis Dutt national integration award at the Central Govt level. But except for Swayamkrushi which was a moderate success, the others failed at the box office.
Apart from the above artistic value movies, Chiranjeevi also did couple of strong message oriented movies in the form of Tagore and Stalin and both were blockbusters with more than 30 crores of revenue.
As Chiranjeevi is going to complete three decades into the telugu film industry and in all achievements and honors, there is no sign of pride but he is still going successfully with a string of hit films.
Apart from the above artistic value movies, Chiranjeevi also did couple of strong message oriented movies in the form of Tagore and Stalin and both were blockbusters with more than 30 crores of revenue.
As Chiranjeevi is going to complete three decades into the telugu film industry and in all achievements and honors, there is no sign of pride but he is still going successfully with a string of hit films.
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